Wombat Exchange (WOM) - All information about Wombat Exchange ICO (Token Sale) - ICO Drops
Wombat Exchange

Wombat Exchange




Current and Past
Wombat Exchange Wombat Exchange


  • PancakeSwap

    IFO on PancakeSwap

    Price $0.075
    Raised $2.1 M
    ROI 0.22x
    • ROI
      0.22x USD 0.07x BTC 0.1x ETH
    • Raised
      $2.1 M
    • Tokens For Round
      $28 M WOM 2.80%
    • Pre-Valuation
      $75 M #1563
    • Price
    • Blockchain
      Binance coin Binance coin
    • Platform

    Distribution: 20% will be unlocked at the sale end time, with the remaining 80% released block-by-block over 90 days

    Source: https://medium.com/wombat-exchange/announcing-wombat-ifo-on-pancakeswap-8af69bec419d

  • rocket

    TGE and Distribution

    Price on Listing $0.76
    ROI 0.02x
    • ROI from Listing Price
      0.02x USD 0.01x BTC 0.01x ETH
    • Price on Listing

    The TGE (Token Generation Event) announced by Wombat Exchange has successfully concluded on Aug 29, 2022 at 00:00 (UTC+3).

  • Private

    Strategic Sale

    Price $0.07
    Raised $2.1 M
    • Jump Capital
    • Shima Capital
    • Wormhole
    ROI 0.24x
    • ROI
      0.24x USD 0.16x BTC 0.24x ETH
    • Raised
      $2.1 M
    • Pre-Valuation
      $70 M #1683
    • Price
    • Investors
      Jump Capital Jump Capital
      • Shima Capital
      • Wormhole
  • Private

    Private Sale

    Price $0.07
    Raised $5.25 M
    • Animoca Brands
    • Binance Smart Chain
    • Crypto Wesearch
    • +7
    ROI 0.24x
    • ROI
      0.24x USD 0.15x BTC 0.21x ETH
    • Raised
      $5.25 M
    • Pre-Valuation
      $70 M #1670
    • Price
    • Investors
      Animoca Brands Animoca Brands
      • Binance Smart Chain
      • Crypto Wesearch
      • Eureka Trading
      • +6
  • Private

    Seed Round

    • Investors
      Binance Labs Binance Labs


  • Fund Name
  • Type
  • Tier
  • Stage
Binance Labs Binance Labs
Tier 1
  • Seed Round
Jump Capital Jump Capital
Ventures Capital
Tier 2
  • Strategic Sale
Animoca Brands Animoca Brands
Ventures Capital
Tier 3
  • Private Sale
Shima Capital Shima Capital
Ventures Capital
Tier 3
  • Strategic Sale
Crypto Wesearch Crypto Wesearch
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • Private Sale
Eureka Trading Eureka Trading
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • Private Sale
GSR Markets (GSR) GSR Markets (GSR)
Investment Firm
Not Rated
  • Private Sale
Hailstone Ventures Hailstone Ventures
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • Private Sale
Lunar Station Lunar Station
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • Private Sale
TPS Capital TPS Capital
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • Private Sale
Unanimous Capital Unanimous Capital
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • Private Sale
Wormhole Wormhole
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • Strategic Sale
Zokyo Zokyo
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • Private Sale

Token Allocation

Project Details

Token Release Schedule   Source

Wombat Exchange



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WOM Price
DropsTab Stats
$0.01646 0.65%
  • Market Cap
    $963.39 K
  • FDV
    $16.49 M
  • Volume
    $59.81 K
Returns since last round
  • 0.22x USD
  • 0.07x BTC
  • 0.1x ETH
Total Raised
$9.45 M In 4 rounds
$16.49 M

PancakeSwap IDO Competitors by FDV