Polyhedra Network (ZKJ) - All information about Polyhedra Network ICO (Token Sale) - ICO Drops



Current and Past
Polyhedra Network Polyhedra Network


  • rocket

    TGE and Distribution

    Price on Listing $2.99
    ROI 0.44x
    • ROI from Listing Price
      0.44x USD 0.4x BTC 0.43x ETH
    • Price on Listing

    The TGE (Token Generation Event) announced by Polyhedra Network has successfully concluded on Mar 19, 2024 at 10:45 (UTC+3).

  • OKX (previously OKEx)

    OKX Jumpstart

    • Tokens For Round
      $6 M ZKJ 0.30%
    • Blockchain
      Ethereum Ethereum
    • Platform
      OKX (previously OKEx) OKX (previously OKEx)

    The OKX Jumpstart Mining will commence at 6:00 am UTC on Mar 15, 2024. BTC and ETH holders can stake both BTC and ETH to mine ZK tokens in return.

  • Airdrop


    • Tokens For Round
      $1 M ZKJ None%
    • Blockchain
      Ethereum Ethereum

    Participants are involved in testing cross-chain token and NFT transfers using zkBridge in collaboration with Binance, and a mainnet alpha test, including creating and transferring NFTs. Activities include connecting web3 wallets, transferring assets across networks, and engaging in a loyalty program to enhance blockchain interoperability and functionality.

    Activities 🎮

    Testing transfer on zkBridge (collab Binance) Active Binance

    Binance announcement


    Go to zkBridge's website.
    Navigate to zkBridge in Binance Web3 Wallet.
    Connect to Binance Web3 Wallet.

    Click on the upper-right button labeled “Connect”

    Choose “Binance Web3 Wallet”

    Sign the connection on your wallet

    Click “Token zkBridge” to transfer BNB/USDT/ETH.
    Select the token you want to cross-chain by clicking “>”. “From” indicates your sender chain, and “To” represents the receiver chain. You can choose the direction you need. Make sure the receiver network is currently supported by your web3 wallet so you can easily access the token later.
    Input the amount of tokens you would like to transfer and approve the token (for non-native tokens). Double-check your recipient address before you make the transfer. The default address is your connected Web 3 wallet address. This means that your token will stay in your Web 3 wallet, however under a different network.

    When the transaction is confirmed on the sender chain, you can view it on the explorer. Select “History” to view all Token zkBridge transaction history. The status “Completed” means your assets have been delivered to the receiver chain.

    Testing Bridge NFT Active

    First, we will test the NFT bridge.

    Go to zkBridge's website.
    Click on NFT Faucet, request a test NFT on the BNB network, save the NFT contract and token ID.
    Return to the NFT section, send this NFT to another network.
    Go back to the NFT section, click on Create NFT.
    Create your NFT and send it to another network.
    Next, test the Messenger.

    Go to the Messenger.
    Send a message from one network to another. You can send it to yourself or to another wallet.
    You can repeat these actions using other networks as well.

    Polyhedra, in collaboration with Galxe, has also launched a loyalty points program. These points will be awarded for various actions and participation in events, so keep an eye on updates on Twitter or Discord.

    Guide from CryptoEarn.

    Testing Mainnet Alpha Active


    Go to Chainlist and add test networks (BSC, ETH).

    Obtain test tokens for BNB and ETH.

    Visit the website and connect your MetaMask wallet.

    Go to the Launchpad tab and create your NFT.

    Use zkBridge to transfer NFTs between networks.

    You can repeat these actions in different networks.

  • Private

    Funding Round

    Raised $20 M
    • Polychain Capital
    • HashKey Capital
    • LongHash Ventures
    • +8
    • Raised
      $20 M
    • Pre-Valuation
      $1 B #137
    • Investors
      Polychain Capital Polychain Capital
      • HashKey Capital
      • LongHash Ventures
      • Animoca Brands
      • +7
  • Private

    Series A

    • Investors
      OKX Ventures OKX Ventures
  • Private

    pre-Series A

    Raised $15 M
    • Polychain Capital
    • HashKey Capital
    • NGC Ventures (NEO Global Capital)
    • +5
    • Raised
      $15 M
    • Investors
      Polychain Capital Polychain Capital
      • HashKey Capital
      • NGC Ventures (NEO Global Capital)
      • ABCDE Capital
      • +4
  • Private

    Strategic Round

    Raised $10 M
    • Binance Labs
    • Polychain Capital
    • Animoca Brands
    • Raised
      $10 M
    • Investors
      Binance Labs Binance Labs
      • Polychain Capital
      • Animoca Brands
      • dao5


  • Fund Name
  • Type
  • Tier
  • Stage
Binance Labs Binance Labs
Tier 1
  • Strategic Round
Polychain Capital Polychain Capital
Ventures Capital
Tier 1
  • Funding Round
  • pre-Series A
  • Strategic Round
HashKey Capital HashKey Capital
Ventures Capital
Tier 2
  • Funding Round
  • pre-Series A
LongHash Ventures LongHash Ventures
Ventures Capital
Tier 2
  • Funding Round
Animoca Brands Animoca Brands
Ventures Capital
Tier 3
  • Funding Round
  • Strategic Round
NGC Ventures (NEO Global Capital) NGC Ventures (NEO Global Capital)
Ventures Capital
Tier 3
  • pre-Series A
OKX Ventures OKX Ventures
Tier 3
  • Series A
ArkStream Capital ArkStream Capital
Ventures Capital
Tier 4
  • Funding Round
Mapleblock Capital Mapleblock Capital
Ventures Capital
Tier 4
  • Funding Round
ABCDE Capital ABCDE Capital
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • pre-Series A
Arcane Group Arcane Group
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • pre-Series A
dao5 dao5
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • Strategic Round
Emirates Consortium Emirates Consortium
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • Funding Round
Foresight Ventures Foresight Ventures
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • pre-Series A
KuCoin KuCoin
Not Rated
  • pre-Series A
MH Ventures MH Ventures
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • Funding Round
Sparkle Ventures Sparkle Ventures
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • pre-Series A
Symbolic Capital Symbolic Capital
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • Funding Round
UOB Venture Management UOB Venture Management
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • Funding Round
Web3Port Web3Port
Ventures Capital
Not Rated
  • Funding Round

Project Details



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  • Update Fundraising
  • Vesting Details
  • Other

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ZKJ Price
DropsTab Stats
$1.301 -0.16%
  • Market Cap
    $118.39 M
  • FDV
    $1.3 B
  • Volume
    $7.16 M
ROI from Listing Price
  • 0.44x USD
  • 0.4x BTC
  • 0.43x ETH
Total Raised
$45 M In 6 rounds
$1.3 B